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ResendWebhookSettings - System Parameter

Allow end-users the power with self-service to resend Log Events using one, or more Webhooks. The resend operations is a Logging feature available in Log Views given the Roles has the allowance.

The System parameter ResendWebhookSettings regulate user options to resend Log Events using one or more Webhooks.

A Log Event must have the following Context value ExtendedProperties/1.0#EndPointUri set for the Webhook option to be preset for repairing and resending messages. Please review the Context Options user guide for additional information.

graph LR alert(fal:fa-envelope Log Event)--->|Repair and resend| webhook{WebHook with your own logic} webhook -->|Office hours| mail[fal:fa-envelope Mail] webhook -->|Statistics| DB[fal:fa-database Data Warehouse] webhook -->|ERP| ticketSystem[fab:fa-salesforce Salesforce/SAP/Microsoft Dynamics 365/...]

The diagram displays some examples where a Webhook is in use repairing and resending Log Events.

System Parameter Name Data Type Values/Example Comment
ResendWebhookSettings json json object as exemplified later on this page

This feature was introduced with version and new security-related features were introduced with

End-users can repair Logged business transactions (Log Events) using the Nodinite Web Client when the following conditions are met:

  1. The AllowResubmit System Parameter is set to true
  2. The AllowRepair System Parameter is set to true
  3. For applicable Log Views; The Role is assigned the Allow Resend permission
  4. For applicable Log Views; The Role is assigned the Allow Repair permission

TIP: To develop a custom Webhook, use the free webhook.site service to test, and capture the result from the resend operation.

JSON Structure and Examples

Property Data type Example Description
Enabled boolean true When true, the Webhook option is allowed in the Nodinite Web Client, otherwise, when false it is not.
EditableURI boolean true When true, the user is allowed to enter any URI for the Webhook, when false, the user can not.
ExtractContextValues json [{"MessageTypeIds": [],"KeyRegEx": "ExtendedProperties\\/1\\.0\\#(EndPointUri)","KeyGroup": 1}] Populate and use the named context properties as default for the set of MessageTypeIds.
Webhooks array The array of Webhook entries.
Enabled boolean false When true, the Webhook is available in the Nodinite Web Client, otherwise, when false it is not.
DisplayName string The Webhook The user friendly name of the Webhook entry as presented to the end-user.
Description string Use your custom built Webhook to resend Log Events A user friendly descriptipon about this Webhook entry.
URI string The address of the Webhook.
Order int 0 Enter the index to managa the display order when you have multiple Webhook entries.

Example (Non-secure Webhook)

New 5.4

"Enabled": true,
"EditableURI": true,
"ExtractContextValues": [
    "MessageTypeIds": [],
    "KeyRegEx": "ExtendedProperties\\/1\\.0\\#(EndPointUri)",
    "KeyGroup": 1
    "MessageTypeIds": [],
    "KeyRegEx": "x-ms-client-tracking-id",
    "KeyGroup": 0
"Webhooks": [{
"Enabled": "false",
"DisplayName": "The Webhook",
"Description": "Use your custom built Webhook to resend Log Events",
"URI": "",
"Order": 0}]

This feature comes with Nodinite version

Example (Secure Webhook)

When you start, the Protected attribute should be false, and the Password and ClientSecret should be in clear text. When you save the entry, the client secret is encrypted and the protected attribute changes to true.

NOTE1: If you change the Protected attribute from true to false without passing the client secret in clear text, the ClientSecret will be double encrypted and renders this Webhook target inoperable.

New 6.1

	"Enabled": true,
	"EditableURI": true,
	"ExtractContextValues": [
			"MessageTypeIds": [],
			"KeyRegEx": "ExtendedProperties\\/1\\.0\\#(EndPointUri)",
			"KeyGroup": 1
			"MessageTypeIds": [],
			"KeyRegEx": "x-ms-client-tracking-id",
			"KeyGroup": 0
	"Webhooks": [
			"Enabled": true,
			"DisplayName": "OAuth Webhook Example",
			"Description": "Use a custom built Webhook with OAuth 2.0 authentication to resend Log Events",
			"URI": "https://localhost/secure",
			"Order": 0,
			"Authentication": {
				"Enabled": true,
				"Protected": false,
				"Type": "client_credentials",
				"ClientId": "webhook",
				"ClientSecret": "DaPassword!",
				"OpenIdEndpointConfiguration": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/dev/.well-known/openid-configuration"
			"Enabled": true,
			"DisplayName": "Basic Authentication Webhook Example",
			"Description": "Use a custom built Webhook with basic authentication to resend Log Events",
			"URI": "",
			"Order": 1,
			"Authentication": {
				"Enabled": true,
				"Protected": false,
				"Type": "basic",
				"Username": "DaUserName",
				"Password": "DaPassword!"

This feature comes with Nodinite version

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite System Parameters exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

How do I change the value?

Changing a value for the pre-defined System Parameters is described in the generic 'How do I change the System Parameters' article.

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